An experienced and respected provider of award winning design & build homes

New Homes

Walworth Road, Ballykelly

Sampsons Green

Causeway Street, Portrush


Station Road, Portstewart


Station Road, Portstewart

The Frontline Lisderg

Benefits of Buying a New Build Property

1. Design Input

New build property often comes with the additional benefit of choosing your own fixtures and fittings, colour scheme, flooring and so on. From the onset you can enjoy living in a low maintenance new home without the need to spend time and money on decorating.

2. Structural Warranty

New builds come with a 10 year warranty, which will protect you from any major structural defects to your home.

Apart from the peace of mind that you get with having a warranty, it also offers significant financial savings should any problems occur during the life of the warranty.

3. Energy Efficiency

New build homes now have to adhere to minimum standards for energy efficiency. With ever increasing energy costs, it is an important factor to consider when buying a new home as it could help save you money in the long term.

Overall, new build homes are far cheaper to run and will dramatically reduce your household carbon footprint. In addition, new homes typically offer better air filtration which increases indoor air quality, reducing symptoms from those who have asthma or allergies.

4. Deals

There are often more deals available when buying a new home. For example, the government’s Help to Buy equity loan scheme offers buyers the chance to purchase with as little as a 5% deposit.

5. Security

New homes come with higher levels of security. The majority of builders either pre-wire for a burglar alarm system,or fit one as standard. These kind of measures can help to bring down the cost of your buildings and contents insurance.